Day 12: POBR June 27, 2024

 Day 12: June 27, 2024

            The class was scheduled to wake up by 6:30am. Today we were scheduled to meet with Fisheries from the Spokane tribe. Brian Crosley, a fisheries biologist took us out to a few of their properties for habitat restoration data collection. A year ago, Crosley had some beaver dam analogs (BDAs) in their watershed. However, Crosely decided to use rocks (basalt) instead of actual wooden posts or logs. Crosley also shared how they have to build relationships with a lot of land owners/neighbors to work on part of their land. Unfortunately, this can limit their capacity of work--meaning that if a landowner isn't willing to allow them to work on their land then they can't.  Croseley also shared the history of the channel as well, where the stream that we were working on was heavily used as an irrigation cannel. Crosley's goal is to help the stream ordinate it back to a healthy stream system. 

        Today's activity involved measuring the amount of sediment with a surveyor and watering trees. The whole purpose of this activity was to measure the amount of sediment that the BDAs are collecting. Two people jumped into waders to collect the measurements from the baseline (weir), 5ft upstream from the weir, and then 50ft upstream of the weir. Three measurements were taking from river right, center, and river left. Equipment used was a stadium rod, and transit level. Data collected was site/location, standard measurement, height measurement, total, and descriptions. Along with a reference point per weir. The site visits were on the Westmecarts (sp?) property (pictured in figure 1), Bradford property and on rainy property. Rainy property is where their program planted trees hoping to outcompete reed canary grass (invasive grass species). Overall, it was interesting to learn the different management styles and different techniques other programs manage their projects. To conclude these blogs, I am so ready to go home to my family. 😥💔

Figure 1: Virginia and Gilberto collecting the measurements. 


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