Day 11: POBR June 26, 2024

Day 11: June 26, 2024

                Travel day. Class was class scheduled to wake up by 6:30am and left Harris campgrounds by 8:30am. Packed up and headed north. Once we part ways, we dropped off one student off in Tri-Cities. We arrived to Wellpinit around 2pm. Waited for Dr. Black to catch up and then we set up camp. We had a few hours of freetime to relax. Virginia and I decided to go check out the culture event happening at the powwow grounds. We ended up getting thrown on a stickgame team that was going on. The family that was there was super nice! Being around my people and my culture made me miss home! They also invited us to a feast, but sadly I don't think we can go.  😥

                After dinner, we jumped right into our lab coats to start the process for bacteria culturing and starch hydrology testing for the water samples for Crane Prairie and Keyes Creek. The process for this step was to pull the agar plates (from the bacteria isolation) out of the incubator. Then we took notes down for the morphology observation from the agar plates (pictured in figure 1). An example of this, would be opening the agar plate to look for any smears, sprots, and/or shiny residue. The next step was to start the process for the hydrolytic (digestive enzymes (starch hydrolysis test)). We basically opened our agar plates then put a drop of iodine on the visible bacteria. For Crane Prairie, I swabbed from the yellow for starch and nutrient agar. After testing the starch, we started the culturing bacteria. The results came back ground negative and has a mix of bacillus and coccus. For Keyes Creek, I swabbed from the red side for starch and nutrient agar. The results came back ground positive witch coccus present and also ground negative for bacillus. This concludes our labs for this field class. 

Figure 1: Crane Prairie agar plate after bacteria isolation.


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